At Chabad, we strive to cultivate a community "where everyone is family."
Our Shabbos Day Kiddush Luncheon is a time when friendships and a warm, heimish atmosphere is fostered.
You may choose to sponsor a Kiddush in honor of a family event, in memory of a loved one, or just for the Mitzvah.
Kiddush Sponsorship $180
Deluxe Kiddush option $360
If you are expecting a larger crowd, please contact Rabbi Yaacov Shusterman to discuss options.
Menu: (subject to small changes)
Standard Kiddush includes: Wine, Challah, Fish, Chumus, 2 Salads,
Meat Cholent, 1 Kugel, Rugelach and Drinks.
Deluxe Kiddush includes: Wine, Challah, Fish/Herring, Chumus, 2 Salads,
Meat Cholent & Kishke, Deli Meat Platter, 1 Kugel, Rugelach and Drinks.